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Technological Changes

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Access cutting-edge research on technology trends and innovations to stay ahead.

Robot Worker

Economic Shifts

Adapt with Actionable Data

Utilize comprehensive data and analysis to build resilient strategies and adapt quickly.”


Fewer Resources

Leverage a Credible Network

Join a respected community of HR leaders to leverage shared resources and collective expertise.

Hungry Hippos

Skills-based Transition

Latest Resources

Access the latest research, guides, frameworks, and expert podcasts.

Colleagues around a couch

Maintaining Credibility

Strengthen with Data

Leverage robust data, research, and crowdsourced insights to enhance your credibility.

file (4)

Information Overload

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Stay one step ahead with RedThread's trends and near-future focus.

Frustrated Woman
HR Leader

What's in it for you?

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team rock

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Here's what our members say

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I'd be lost without RedThread's Community and their [Workplace Stories] Podcast.
This Huddle is why I wanted to be a part of this community. I want to get real-life examples from other organizations, and I want to back it up with research.
Wyle E. Coyote
All podcasts around Skills with Dani and Stacia are amazing learning opportunities for those talking about Skills-based Organization. Ericsson,, EPAM, GSK - the successes, the failures, the lessons learned
Priyanku Nandi
RedThread's membership is worth it! I have not been paid to say this.
Skills leader
Major Consumer Goods Organization
RedThread is an amazing resource for your skills journey - beyond worth it.
Jeff Johnson
Big Tech Firm
I mean, platform-wise, it's great. The content is great. I mean, the research that you guys do is just so relevant and then consumable, which I really appreciate. And the price point, really can't be compared to some of these other communities that I belong to. So just kudos to what you guys are doing."
Christopher Rotolo, VP Global Talent

How to Join

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Number 1

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Number 2

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Number 3

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Number 4

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