About RedThread
Building a community of insight and inspiration.
Who is RedThread?
We're connectors

We connect people, ideas, data, and stories to provide leaders with an accessible, affordable community that empowers organizations to make better decisions faster.
Our first five years have been quite a journey! With massive workplace and technology shifts, social unrest, and talent scarcity, the need for quality, unbiased data is even more critical for high-performing organizations. We’ve grown and matured as a team, company, and, most importantly, as a community!
Our Core Values
What we stand for

We look for connections between people, ideas, data, and insights, in that order, wherever they come from.

We aim to change conversations to better, more useful ones. We strive to make our work novel, clear, and actionable, whether in our research or our conversations with you.

We try new things, embrace failure, and incorporate ideas from everywhere.

No bullsh*t
We tell it like it is, acknowledge our biases, and have tough conversations kindly. Just ask the vendors that brief with us.
Our Founders
Meet RedThread's creators

Stacia Garr
CofoundeR, Principal Analyst
Stacia co-founded RedThread Research in 2018 after leading talent research for 8 years at Bersin by Deloitte and conducting research at CEB / Gartner. Stacia has an MBA from UC Berkeley and a MS degree from the London School of Economics. She grew up riding horses in the Sonoran Desert around Tucson and can’t stand scooping ice cream.

Dani Johnson
Cofounder, Principal Analyst
Dani co-founded RedThread in 2018 with Stacia. Before that, Dani led the Learning and Career research practice at Bersin, Deloitte, and previously led research at the Ross School, University of Michigan. Dani holds an MBA and a MS and BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from BYU. Before Kid, her favorite vacations involved a backpack, a map, and Google Translate.
RedThread's Story
A short history

2024 Research
Studies Completed:
Skills Technology 2024
Skills Verification
AI and HR Summary
Manager Effectiveness
Managers in 2024
Performance Management Trends
5th New Website
We have continued to get better at the marketing and branding thing, renewing our website often along the way.
5th New Website
Huddles & Greenrooms
After listening to members, we've introduced more opportunities for interaction and network-building with our Huddles and Greenroom events.
2023 Research
Completed Studies:
Managing Better 2023
Performance Management Trends
People Analytics Tech
Enabling the Frontline
Data Ethics in People Analytics
Learning Analytics
Learning Tech Ecosystem
Learning Tech Market Study
Worker Experience
Tech Consortium Kick Off
In an effort to both stay agnostic and leverage the knowledge and insights of our provider friends, we formed the Tech Consortium.
Tech Consortium Kick Off
2022 Research
Completed Studies
Connection Study
Learning Equity
L&D Skills
Learning Methods
Managing Better in Hybrid
People Analytics Technology
Skills Tech
PM in a Hybrid World
Skills Strategy
First Published in HBR and MIT Sloan
As RedThread has gotten better known, we have had increasing opportunities to speak and write in publications, HBR and MIT Sloan Review being a couple of them.
First Published in HBR and MIT Sloan
New Membership Platform
After trying to build our own membership platform, we followed the advice we give organizations and partnered with a provider to get it done right.
2021 Research
Completed Studies
Career Mobility
DEIB & Analytics
DEIB Skills
DEIB Strategy
Coaching Tech
Learning Content
C-Suite and People Analytics
People Analytics Technology
Skills Vs. Competencies
Pandemic Survival
We made it! All small businesses should celebrate this :)
Pandemic Survival
2020 Research
Completed Studies
People Analytics Technology
Learning Tech Landscape
D&I Tech Market Update
Purpose Driven Organization
Responsive Organizations
Managing Better
The Double-Double Shift
Responsive Managers
RedThread Membership Launched
Due to demand, RedThread established a membership in late 2020, allowing organizations more access to research and opportunities to engage with each other.
RedThread Membership Launched
Roundtables are born
After the COVID pandemic put an end to in-person events, RedThread worked with a sponsoring provider to create Roundtables, which continue to be refined over the years.
Workplace Stories Podcast Debut
We debuted WorkPlace Stories, originally with Chris Pirie, to tell the stories of smart leader practitioners.
Workplace Stories Podcast Debut
2019 Research
Completed Studies
The Makings of Modern Performance Mgt
Employee Experience
People Analytics Technology
Learning Tech Ecosystems
Performance Mgt for Frontline
How Women Rise
Learning Tech Ecosystems
Current Research Process Developed
Developed a research process that would allow us to 'do research out loud', involving members and other thinkers in producing the research.
Current Research Process Developed
Brand professionalized
In early 2019, we were sure RedThread was going to work, and worked with Starr Conspiracy to establish a strong brand.
First Employee Hired
By September, we were surprised to find that we could afford an employee. Emily Sanders would become the first of many excellent researchers who have worked with RedThread.
First Employee Hired
2018 Research
Completed Studies
Learning Tech Landscape
Humanizing Learning
D&I Tech - The Rise of a Transformative Market
First Speaking Gig
Very early, some folks who knew us in the industry supported us, offering us opportunities to speak and get the word out.
First Speaking Gig
Very First (really ugly) Website
We learned early that starting a firm is not for the weak. We took on responsibilities we'd never tried before - marketing and web design for example.
First Research Project
Our first research was Humanizing Learning, which was used by Udemy in their yearly conference.
First Research Project
RedThread Launched!
RedThread was launched on March 6, 2018 by Dani Johnson and Stacia Garr, who both left Bersin by Deloitte to form a new type of research and advisory company - one that could truly tell it like it is.
The Start
It's been a ride :)