Can Skills Run the World (of Work)?

July 26th, 2022

As we move into the second part of 2022, we're embarking on some new research. Last week we announced Rethinking Connection at Work, and this week, we have another topic coming at you: Skills.

We've been focusing on skills for a while:

It's safe to say we've waded quite far into studying skills, but we know there is more to learn. Enter stage left: our new skills study.

Can Skills Run the World (of Work)? Read the premise.

One of the largest changes we've seen during the pandemic is the acceleration of skills. Orgs have started to realize the benefits of quantifying work at a much more granular level. In this study, we will use conversations we've had with leaders who have begun down the path toward skills to understand how orgs can get started to prepare for a change to skills and sidestep hurdles along the way.

The full report will be published this fall, but if you're itching to learn more now and participate in our research join our roundtable this Thursday! You'll have the opportunity to hear from other leaders and practitioners about what their orgs are doing around skills, and share your experiences with us.

Lauren Caddell
Research Analyst at